Friday, September 30, 2016

Film Crazy: 4,000 Movies Challenge

Hi there, and welcome to Film Crazy, I'm Mike and I watch a lot of movies. I'm not a film critic nor am I trying to be one. I'm just an average guy, with an aspiration for film. Due to the limited offerings of film outlets available in my small corner of America, I have become infatuated with collecting film on all formats. That's right, I'm no presentation snob. Although I would prefer to see a movie projected on a jumbo screen in a clean theater, nothing stops me from watching a VHS tape or one of my thousands of DVDs.

Now, it's time to take this infatuation to the next level. Despite not being very good at it, I always liked writing, and since I love watching movies so much I decided to start my own film journal of sorts as a hobby. Believe me, as much as I enjoy watching, reading and writing about film I have no intentions on giving up my full time job. I'm about to embark on a journey that will take me years, maybe even decades to accomplish. As my collection continues to grow, I have had a problem keeping tabs on what I already own. That's where this blog comes into play, I hope to eventually review every single movie in my library, one at a time. The goal, is to have something new posted every day.

Let me reiterate, this is a journey through the world of film, and there's no telling what I may encounter along way. I welcome you all to follow along through this never-ending journey, and feel free to give your own thoughts in the comments field. Oh, and if you share the same crazy behavior as I and others do, check out the message boards, we're a close-knit community of film lovers who not only support one each other's collecting habits but also enjoy discussing film.


  1. Hi Mike, good luck with your journey. I started something similar almost two years ago because I was struggling to find a job and I just needed something to keep me busy. My goal was to review a film every day for at least a year, and I still can't believe I've been doing it for almost two years.

    I also like writing and being able to combine two of the things I love, writing and movies, is amazing. Not to mention all the amazing people, fellow bloggers, I've met thank to my project.

    I really wish you all the best, and hope you'll enjoy this experience.

    1. Oddly enough I too had this idea when I was unemployed nearly two years ago. I was watching roughly 500 movies a year back then though many of them were re-watches. Now that I'm working again, it's been difficult to find time to watch as many movies as I once did. I've never been too keen on seeing new movies on the big screen, so a lot of the movies you'll see documented will be older flicks (with one or two new releases thrown in for kicks).


Open forum, feel free to post your thoughts on this movie here...